Ústav dějin umění Akademie věd ČR, v. v. i.

Photomechanical Talks

Srdečně zveme na druhý cyklus Photomechanical Talks, který letos proběhne formou dvou přednášek zahraničních hostů. Obě přednášky pořádá PhotoMatrix projekt ve spolupráci s Katedrou fotografie FAMU v Praze. Přednášky proběhnou v rámci Seminar of Accidental Wisdom v angličtině.

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Program přednášek:

19. března 2025, 19:00
Cristiana Sorrentino (University of Florence)
"Magazines as Visual Training Ground: The Reception of Photographic Modernism in the Italian Photographic Culture"

23. dubna 2025, 19:00
Joseph Imorde (Berlin-Weißensee Art Academy)
"The Epistemological Impact. Popular Reproductions in Art History and Anthropology"

Místo konání: FAMU, Smetanovo nábřeží 2, Praha, místnost U1 v 1. patře

Přednášky je možné sledovat i online. Registrační link na každou přednášku je uvedený na webových stránkách cyklu.



19 March 2025
Cristiana Sorrentino (University of Florence)
"Magazines as Visual Training Ground: The Reception of Photographic Modernism in the Italian Photographic Culture"

This lecture will explore the reception of European photographic Modernism within the context of Italian photographic culture in the 1920s and 1930s. The absence in Italy of an avant-garde movement capable of systematically defining the visual experiences of modernity prompted authors to adopt and reinterpret the ideas of the New Vision and New Objectivity, primarily thanks to the circulation of photographic images in Italian magazines.

The methodological approach underpinning this research considers periodicals as primary sources for studying Italian visual culture in the interwar period. Particular consideration will be given to magazines not specifically devoted to photography but focused on other thematic and creative domains (such as graphic design, typography, scientific dissemination, and so forth). In addition to promoting international languages, acting as visual training grounds for being familiar with European models, these periodicals served as platforms for some of the most compelling reflections on photographic modernity within the Italian context. 


Cristiana Sorrentino holds a PhD in History of Photography and is an adjunct lecturer in History of Photography and Visual Culture at the University of Florence. She has been a research fellow and collaborator with various public and private Italian institutions. Her work includes the inventorying and cataloguing of photographic collections. From 2022 to 2024, she served as a member of the editorial board of RSF. Rivista di studi di fotografia.

23 April 2025
Joseph Imorde (Berlin-Weißensee Art Academy)
"The Epistemological Impact. Popular Reproductions in Art History and Anthropology"

With the exhilarating increase of photographic reproductions in popular books, journals and newspapers around and after 1900, new epistemologies unfolded – epistemologies of de-contextualization, comparability and re-information. Art history and anthropology lost – so to speak – their objects to gain a new mediated objectivity. The access to huge quantities of black and white reproductions privileged – to adapt a formulation by Andrew Zimmerman – "an atemporal mode of knowledge". At the same time, it favored an inclusion and aestheticization of new and unknown artifacts.

The lecture will try to analyse the relationship between the reproduction industry and the consumer culture that developed in the early twentieth century. It will use the Querschnitt – a Zeitgeist-journal in the Weimar republic as a starting point – to analyse the dissemination of "world art" into the realm of art history and popular culture alike.


Joseph Imorde studied Art History, Philosophy and Musicology in Bochum, Rome and Berlin. He was editor of the architectural magazine »Daidalos«. In 1996 he founded the publishing house Edition Imorde. After his PhD on ephemeral architecture in the Roman Baroque he became assistant professor at the Institute of History and Theory of Architecture at the Federal Technical University (ETH) in Zurich. 2001 he joined the research group »Kultbild« at the University of Muenster. He finished his habilitation »Michelangelo Deutsch!« at the Technical University Dresden in 2008 and got a full professorship for art history at the University of Siegen in the same year. From 2009–2011 he was Alexander-von-Humboldt Fellow at the University of Michigan, 2012 and 2017 Scholar at the Getty Research Institute. In 2021 he was appointed professor for art history at the Weissensee Kunsthochschule Berlin.

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