Vědecká pracovnice Oddělení muzikologie.
Anja Bunzel absolvovala mediální a komunikační studia, hudební vědu a teorii a anglický jazyk na Freie Universität v Berlíně (2007–2010, BA) a v roce 2012 získala magisterský titul z muzikologie tamtéž. Doktorské studium absolvovala v letech 2012–2016 na irské Maynooth University, kde se věnovala písním Johanny Kinkel. Na Maynooth University rovněž získala od října 2017 do září 2018 postdoktorské stipendium. Její doktorské a postdoktorské studium bylo podpořeno z fondů Irish Research Council. Jako vědecká pracovnice se soustředí na téma soukromé hudební praxe v Praze a ve střední Evropě v 19. století. Je koeditorkou publikace Musical Salon Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century (Boydell, 2019, s Natasha Loges) a Women in Nineteenth-Century Czech Musical Culture (Routledge, 2024, s Christopher Campo-Bowen). Je autorkou knihy The Songs of Johanna Kinkel: Genesis, Reception, Context (Boydell, 2020). Momentálně pracuje na monografii (Sounding the Salonesque: Nineteenth-Century (Semi-)Private Music-Making in Prague, Berlin, and Vienna) v rámci projektu financovaného GAČR. Je členkou redakčních rad mezinárodního muzikologického periodika Studia Musicologica (Budapešť, AK Journals) a mezinárodního interdisciplinárního periodiku Global Nineteenth-Century Studies (Liverpool University Press), a sedí na Advisory board Irish Musical Studies (Woodbridge, Boydell Press).
Anja Bunzel, “Caroline Pichler, Women’s Agency, and Intellectual Inspiration between Viennese and Bohemian Cultural Circles,” in Women’s Agenvy in Schubert’s Vienna, ed. Andrea Lindmayr-Brandl, Birgit Lodes, Melanie Unseld (Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2024), 179–211.
Anja Bunzel & Christopher Campo-Bowen, eds, Women in Nineteenth-Century Czech Musical Culture: “Apostles of a Brighter Future” (Abingdon: Routledge, 2024).
Anja Bunzel “‘My Soul Is Filled with Songs’: Josefina Brdlíková as a Song Composer,” in: Women in Nineteenth-Century Czech Musical Culture: “Apostles of a Brighter Future”, ed. Anja Bunzel & Christopher Campo-Bowen (Abingdon: Routledge, 2024), 173–90.
Anja Bunzel & Christopher Campo-Bowen, “Introduction,” in: Women in Nineteenth-Century Czech Musical Culture: “Apostles of a Brighter Future”, ed. Anja Bunzel & Christopher Campo-Bowen (Abingdon: Routledge, 2024), 1–13.
Anja Bunzel and Stephen Rodgers, “Women, Song and Subjectivity in the Nineteenth Century,” in: The Cambridge Companion to Women Composers, ed. Susan Wollenberg and Matthew Head (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2024), 183–204.
Anja Bunzel, “Joseph Joachim’s Network in Prague: ‘It was very original and funny there, and they had excellent food and drink’,” in: Joseph Joachim – Identities / Identitäten, ed. Katharina Uhde and Michael Uhde (Hildesheim: Olms, 2024), 353–72.
Anja Bunzel, “Czech Song, Jan Ludevít Procházka, and the Salonesque Musical Entertainments in 1870s Prague,” in: Chamber Music in Europe (1850-1918): Composition, Mediation and Reception, ed. Catrina Flint de Médicis and François de Médicis (Turnhout: Brepols, 2024), 229–47.
Anja Bunzel, “František Palacký’s (Musical) Life with the ‘Aristocrats’: Private and Semi-Private Musical Sociability in Prague during the First Half of the Nineteenth Century,” Musicologica Austriaca: Journal for Austrian Music Studies (June 2023), online: 1–17.
Anja Bunzel, review article of 2023 Elena Pokorná: Písňová tvorba. Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel (Brno: JAMU, 2021), Stephen Rodgers (ed.), The Songs of Fanny Hensel (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021), Die Musikforschung 76/1 (Spring 2023), 64–66.
Anja Bunzel, “Countess Elise von Schlik (Eliška Šliková): Salonnière, Patroness, Composer,” in: Women Composers in New Perspectives, 1800-1950: Genres, Contexts and Repertoire, ed. Mariateresa Storino and Susan Wollenberg (Turnhout: Brepols, 2023), 99–119.
Anja Bunzel, ed., “Hearing Struggle: Musical Responses to Times of Crisis in the Czech Lands during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,” editorial, Hudební věda, no. i (2023), 7–11.
Anja Bunzel, “The Prager musikalisches Album (1838) and the Nineteenth-Century Salon as Cultural Practice,” in: Dílo a proměna myšlení v české kultuře 19. století, ed. Taťána Petrasová and Pavla Machalíková (Prague: Academia, 2023), 153–167.
Anja Bunzel, “Popular Song in the (Semi-)Private Domain? Considering the Nineteenth-Century Salon within the Context of Popular Culture,” in: Popular Songs in the Nineteenth Century, ed. Derek B. Scott (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022), 113–132.
Anja Bunzel, “Exploring Women’s Contributions to Nineteenth-Century Musical Culture in the Czech Lands,” Journal of the Kapralova Society, no. 2 (2022), 7–12.
Anja Bunzel and Susan Wollenberg, ed., “Rethinking Salon Music: Case-Studies in Analysis,” introduction, Nineteenth-Century Music Review (FirstView, April 2022).
Anja Bunzel, “‘...which, like his latest songs, might extend his name also within the wider circles of the artistic world’: Zdeněk Fibich’s Meluzína (op. 55 Hud. 187),” Musicologica Olomucensia 33/2 (2021), 321–335.
Anja Bunzel, “Clara and Robert Schumann's Circles in Dresden: ‘I take the liberty to request from you an invitation [...] to your musical matinée’,” in: Clara Schumann Studies, ed. Joe Davies (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), 13–31.
Anja Bunzel, The Songs of Johanna Kinkel: Genesis, Reception, Context (Woodbridge: Boydell 2020).
Anja Bunzel, review article of Fibich Goethe Lieder, Lucie Laubová (soprano) and Jaroslav Šaroun (piano), Palacký University Olomouc, 2018, Vydavatelství FF UP, Newsletter of the Dvořák Society for Czech and Slovak Music (April 2019).
Anja Bunzel – Natasha Loges (edd.), Musical Salon Culture in the Long Nineteenth Century (Woodbridge: Boydell 2019).
Anja Bunzel,“Romantic Patriotism and the Building of Reputation: The Case of Robert Schumann’s ‘Paradies und die Peri’,” in: Sarah McCleave – Tríona O’Hanlon (edd.), Reputations of Thomas Moore: Poetry, Politics, Music (Farnham: Routledge, 2019), 117–141.
Anja Bunzel, “Rezeptionsgeschichte ex nihilo: Johanna Kinkel als Balladenkomponistin,” in: Sonja Häder – Ullrich Wiegmann (Hrsg.), Aus dem Schatten treten: Frauen an der Seite berühmter Männer (Berlin: Klinkhardt, 2017), 19–32.
Anja Bunzel, “Johanna Kinkel (1810–1858) within the Context of Nineteenth-Century Music Criticism,” in: Teresa Cascudo García-Villaraco (ed.), Nineteenth-Century Music Criticism (Turnhout: Brepols 2017), 421–447.
Anja Bunzel – Barbora Kubečková, “Václav Jan Tomášek (1774–1850): A Versatile Lieder Composer?: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Goethe Settings by Carl Friedrich Zelter, Václav Jan Tomášek and Johanna Kinkel,” Musicologica Olomucensia 20 (2014), p. 15–36.
Polosoukromé hudební praxe v Praze Vídni a Berlíně (1815–1850): Hudební repertoár v dobovém sociokulturním kontextu (GAČR No. 22-16531S) - odpovědná řešitelka