Department of Art of the 19th-21st Centuries
phone: +420 222 221 646
Jakub Bachtík (1985) graduated in Czech language and literature and art history at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University. His research specializes in the history of architecture of the 16th-18th centuries and in monument preservation and its history. Professionally, he works mainly as an editor. In 2014–2019 he was the copy editor, then the editor-in-chief of the scholarly journal Zpravy památkové péče (Czech Journal of Historical Heritage Preservation), and then he worked as the head of the Publications and New Media Department at the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes. Between 2013 and 2023, he was the executive director of the Club For Old Prague and editor of the Club's Bulletin. He joined the ÚDU in 2022 as copy editor of the journal Umění/Art. Since 2023, he has been a member of the research team of the project Heritage and Society in the Czech Lands between 1900 and 1960: Professional and Personal Strategies of Heritage Preservationists in the Light of Private Correspondence (NAKI III).
Jakub Bachtík (ed.) – Richard Biegel – Jiří Kroupa – Petr Macek, Jan Blažej Santini a svět jeho architektury, Praha 2024.
Jakub Bachtík – Michal Kurz – Kristina Uhlíková (edd.), Boj o malé město (1900–1960). Příběhy památek a jejich lidí, Praha 2024.
Jakub Bachtík (ed.), Památková péče na zapřenou. Pamětnická svědectví o ochraně památek v časech pozdního socialismu, Praha 2024.
Jakub Bachtík – Tereza Johanidesová – Kristina Uhlíková (edd.), In the Name of Socialism, in the Shadow of the Monarchy. Post-War Monument Care in Central Europe, Praha 2023.
Richard Biegel – Roman Prahl – Jakub Bachtík (edd.), Století Ústavu pro dějiny umění na Filozofické fakultě Univerzity Karlovy, Praha 2020.
Jakub Bachtík – Lukáš Duchek – Jakub Jareš (edd.), Chrám umění Rudolfinum, Praha 2020.
Petr Macek – Richard Biegel – Jakub Bachtík (edd.), Barokní architektura v Čechách, Praha 2015.