Department of Art-Historical Topography
phone: +420 221 183 598
Researcher at the Department of Art-Historical Topography.
Markéta Svobodová studied theory and history of art at the Faculty of Arts, Palacký University in Olomouc (Ph.D. 2001–2007). Between 1997 and 1998 she worked as a curator at the Olomouc Museum of Art. Since 1999, she has been employed with the IAH CAS as a researcher focusing on architecture of the 19th to 21st centuries. She contributed to the book Umělecké památky Prahy. Velká Praha and is currently working on Umělecké památky Moravy a Slezska. In her research, Svobodová looks at the crossover between architecture, scenography, exhibition design and industrial design. She also researches the theory and sociology of architecture – see her books Bauhaus a Československo 1919–1938, Hore zdar! Stavební strategie Klubu českých/československých turistů 1888–1949 (1989–2015) and Krematorium v procesu sekularizace českých zemí 20. století. She was a co-investigator for the project A Transformation of Rural Architecture with Emphasis on the Development of the 19th and 20th Centuries (NAKI) and principal investigator for František Kalivoda (1913–1971) in European Context: Multimediality, Experiment, Avant-Garde and Neo Avant-Garde (GAČR).
Markéta Svobodová – Jindřich Chatrný (eds.) Kali – ARCH/FI-FO/TYPO. František Kalivoda (1913–1973). Vize a návraty modernismu. / Modernist Visions and Revivals, Brno 2023.
Markéta Svobodová, New Stimuli for Optophonetic Works. Reflection of Science in the Theoretical Texts of the Architect František Kalivoda, Umění / Art, 4, 68, 2020, 378-388.
Markéta Svobodová, Hore zdar! Stavební strategie Klubu českých/československých turistů 1888–1949 (1989–2015), Praha 2020.
Markéta Svobodová, Scénografie a výstavnictví – dvě rovnocenné sféry v tvorbě Jana Rajlicha, in: Marta Sylvestrová (ed.), Jan Rajlich 100. Mr. Brno (kat.), Moravská galerie v Brně, Brno 2020, pp. 281–321.
Markéta Svobodová, Brněnská avantgardní scéna mezi válkami. Meyerova přednáška v roce 1931 a jeho korespondence s Artušem Černíkem a Bedřichem Václavkem z let 1925–1926, Bauhaus 100: Bulletin MG, 2019, No. 80, pp. 56–75.
Markéta Svobodová, Media Coverage and Criticism of the Bauhaus in the Czechoslovak Interwar Press, Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities – Historia Artium, 2019, pp. 106–119.
Markéta Svobodová, Peter Bücking – Werner David Feist – Friedl Dicker in Czechoslovakia between the wars. Articles by three Bauhaus Graduates, Umění / Art 2017, LXV, No. 4, pp. 396–405.
Markéta Svobodová, Proti -ismům / mezi racionalitou a expresí. Vlastislav Hofman architekt / Against -isms / between rationality and expression. Vlastislav Hofman, architekt, in: Mahulena Nešlehová (ed.), Vlastislav Hofman (1884–1964). Pocta invenci / A Tribute to Invention, katalog výstavy, Galerie výtvarného umění v Ostravě, Ostrava 2017, pp. 43–55.
Markéta Svobodová, Bauhaus a Československo 1919–1938. Studenti, koncepty, kontakty / The Bauhaus and Czechoslovakia 1919–1938. Students, Concepts, Contacts, Praha 2016.
Markéta Svobodová, Zdeněk Rossmann – virtuálním architektem v době hospodářské krize, in: Marta Sylvestrová – Jindřich Toman (eds.), Zdeněk Rossmann / Horizonty modernismu, Brno 2015, pp. 96–117.
Markéta Svobodová, František Kalivoda, László Moholy-Nagy and the Left Front in Prague and Brno; Mein lieber Ka“. Letters from László Moholy-Nagy to František Kalivoda, 1933–1946, Umění / Art LXII, 2014, pp. 141–160.
Markéta Svobodová, Krematorium v procesu sekularizace českých zemí 20. století. Ideové, stavební a typologické proměny, Praha 2013.
Resilient Society for the 21st Century – Resilient Ralsko, Displacement – Occupation – Revival / Building form of Ralsko in the last century and current perspectives (AV 21), member of the research team
Preserving Memory. Post-war reflection of the Holocaust in memorial art and visual arts (NAKI 3), member of the research team
Art monuments / Prague Architectural Manual Prague (Grant of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic)
The project has been implemented since 2023 by a team of art and architectural historians from the Department of Topography of the Institute of Art History, CAS. The work builds on previous activities in the field of systematic mapping of cultural monuments and their promotion (Art Monuments of Prague; NAKI II Village Project, AV 21 Resistant Ralsko Project - The main output of the project is a publicly accessible database that presents the results of academic research to the public in a visually attractive way: