Department of Art of the 19th-21st Centuries
phone: +420 221 183 514
Researcher and Head of the Department of Art of the 19th-21st Centuries.
Pavla Machalíková studied art history at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (Ph.D. 2004) and has completed research stays at Collegium Budapest (2001–2002) and Mt. Holyoke College (1992–1993). She works at the IAH since 2001. In her research she concentrates on art of the 19th century and its institution with a special focus on painting in the Czech lands and its fluctuations between traditional and modern topics (folk art, children´s art). Currently she is the leader of a research project Spaces, Objects, Authors and Curators: Building a Cultural Public in the Czech Lands 1790–1918. She participated in research projects on Czech painting of the 19th century and in a number of publications and exhibitions (”And Then I Saw a New Heaven and a New Earth. Apocalypse and the Arts in the Czech Lands, Go into the Countryside!, Not A Single Snake in Sight, Rembrandt´s Tram). She is the co-organizer of the Pilsen interdisciplinary symposiums and since 2017 the editor-in-chief of the journal Umění/Art.
Kateřina Kubínová – Pavla Machalíková – Tomáš Winter (edd.), „... a viděl jsem nové nebe a novou zemi...“ Apokalypsa a umění v českých zemích, Praha – Plzeň 2023
Pavla Machalíková (ed.), Let s voskovými křídly. Josef Mánes 1820–1871, Řevnice 2022
Taťána Petrasová – Pavla Machalíková, Dílo a proměna umělecké scény, Plzeň 2022
Eva Bendová – Pavla Machalíková (edd.), Kariéra s paletou, Plzeň – Brno 2019
Tomáš Winter – Pavla Machalíková – Milan Pech – Vladimír Czumalo, Jdi na venkov! Výtvarné umění a lidová kultura v českých zemích 1800–1960, Řevnice – Praha 2019
Spaces, Objects, Authors and Curators: Building a Cultural Public in the Czech Lands 1790–1918.
Space of the Exhibition 1820–1950 (Ministery of Culture; pragramme AV ČR Strategy AV21 – City as a Laboratory of Change) – project coordinator