Beket Bukovinská, Lubomír Konečný (eds.)
This publication of the Research Centre for Art and Culture during the Age of Rudolph II follows up on the proceedings of München–Prag um 1600 from 2009 and is a continuation of the project geared to mapping the contacts between the imperial court of Rudolph II and the royal courts of central Europe. This time as well, the volume presents the results of the international conference held in Dresden and Prague from 17 to 20 March 2015 in cooperation with Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. The first part of the volume shows the rich relationship between Prague and Dresden and the pan-European historical and cultural context around 1600 and the lesser known contacts between Augustus, the Elector of Saxony, and Wilhelm von Rosenberg. The individual, generally richly illustrated texts further map common interests relating to art, science, and culture and provide new knowledge of the transfer of artists between the two courts. The texts also document the exchange of scientific knowledge and emphasise the great importance of royal gifts.
Authors: Jan Baťa (Univerzita Karlova v Praze), Václav Bůžek (Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích), Wolfram Dolz, Michael Korey Peter Plaßmeyer, (Mathamatisch-Physikalischer Salon, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden), Angelica Dülberg (Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Sachsen), Eliška Fučíková (Praha), Vladimír Karpenko (Praha), Thomas DaCosta Kaufamnn (Princeton University), Jutta Kappel, Dirk Syndram, Ulrike Weinhold (Grünes Gewölbe SKD), Jürgen Müller (Technische Universität Dresden), Holger Schuckelt (Rüstkammer, SKD), Martin Šolc (Astronomický ústav UK), Helen Watanabe-O’Kelly (University of Oxford), Jürgen Zimmer (Berlín), Beket Bukovinská, Martin Krummholz, Ivan P. Muchka, Ivo Purš (ÚDU AVČR).
First edition, German with English summary, 267 pages, colour illustrations, Praha 2017
ISBN 978-80-86890-24-1