Department of Early Modern Art
phone: +420 221 183 557
Resercher of the Department of Early Modern Art
1964-1969 Department of Art History, Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University in Prague (PhDr. 1971); 1970-90 research scholar, Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague; 2001-2012 its director. Since 2004 associate professor, Charles University, 2007 professor. 1987: Visiting Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ; 1992: Kress Foundation Stipendium, Universität Wien; 1992/93: Getty Fellowship (London and Rome); 1998: Mellon Fellowship, Warburg Institute, University of London. Principal interests: European art of the Renaissance and Baroque, methodology and historiography of art history, iconography, emblematics. Numerous publictions and lectures both at home and abroad. Project in progress: Jusepe de Ribera, Galileo Galilei, and the Five Senses: A Study in Early Seventeenth-Century Painting and the “New” Science.
On the Construction and Sources of Erwin Panofsky’s Iconology / O konstrukci a zdrojích Panofského ikonologie, Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philosophica et Historická 1 / Z pomocných věd historických, Praha 2021, s. 13–16
The article demonstrates the formative impact of Carl Borinski (1908) and Karl Mannheim (1921) on Panofsky’s both conception and wording of his method of interpretation of works of visual arts as developed in his epoch making Studies in Iconology (1939). Tato studie poukazuje na formativní vliv, který měly práce literárního historika Carla Borinskiho (1908) a sociologa Karla Mannheimu (1921) na Panofského epochální Studies in Iconology (1939).
Panofsky, Erwin – Borinski, Carl – Mannheim, Karl – iconology / ikonologie
Andrea Alciato in Telč, Český Krumlov and Kratochvíle: A Handful of Rectifications / Andrea Alciato v Telči, Českém Krumlově a Kratochvíli: Hrst upřesnění, Bulletin National Gallery Prague, XXXIV, 2024, s. 35–41
Andrea Alciato – emblematic / emblematika – Poverty / chudoba – Telč – Český Krumlov – Kratochvíle
The Emblems of the Italian jurist Andrea Alciato (Augsburg 1531 and later editions) were used as the source of decorations in several Rosenberg chateaux in Southern Bohemia.
Emblémy italského právníka Andrei Alciata (Augsburg 1531 a další vydání) byly použity při výzdobě několika rožmberských zámků v jižních Čechách.
Lubomír Konečný, Leonardo da Vinci’s Battle of Anghiari Revisited, artibus & historiae 78, 2018, pp. 219–233.