Department of Historiography and Art Theory
phone: +420 221 183 514
Resaercher and the head of the Department of Historiography and Theory of Art.
Stanislava Fedrová studied history of modern Czech literature at the Faculty of Arts, University of South Bohemia (Ph.D. 2012), art history at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (MA 2012) and Czech studies and history at the Faculty of Pedagogy, Charles University (MA 2005). Since 2001 she has been working at the Institute of Czech Literature CAS, collaborating on projects such as [Guide to the 20th Century Literary Theory] or [A Dictionary of Structuralist Literary Theory and Criticism]. Since 2019, she has also has been working as a researcher at the IAH CAS, focusing on art theory and historiography. Fedrová also teaches courses of intermedia studies, the ekphrasis and visual culture theory at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno. Her research focuses on theory of literature and visual culture, historiography and methodology of art history, theory and history of intermedial thinking (The Emerging Contours of the Medium), on relations between verbal and visual media (e. g. the application of visual patterns or techniques in literary descriptions, the representational and intermedial power of descriptions ([Visible descriptions]) and transmedia phenomena crossing media ([Apocalypse and the Art in the Czech Lands], [Cirkus pictus]; Not a Single Snake in Sight).
Richard Müller et al., The Emerging Contours of the Medium. Literature and Mediality, New York 2024
Alice Jedličková a kol., Narativní způsoby v české próze 19. století, Praha 2022
Richard Müller – Tomáš Chudý a kol., Za obrysy média. Literatura a medialita, Praha 2020
Stanislava Fedrová – Jiří Pelán – Jiří Rambousek (edd.), Josef Palivec, Listář 1, 2, Prah 2010, 2020
Tomáš Winter – Pavla Machalíková – Stanislava Fedrová – Hanuš Jordan, Cirkus pictus – zázračná krása a ubohá existence. Výtvarné umění a literatura 1800–1950, Praha – Cheb 2017
Stanislava Fedrová – Alice Jedličková, Viditelné popisy. Vizualita, sugestivita a intermedialita literární deskripce, Praha 2016
Pavla Machalíková – Tomáš Winter – Stanislava Fedrová – Pavel Kordík, Nespatříte hada. Josef Čapek – František Hrubín – Jan Skácel – Miloslav Kabeláč / Not a Single Snake in Sight, Praha 2016
Stanislava Fedrová – Alice Jedličková (edd.), Intermediální poetika příběhu, Praha 2011
ARS - Philosophia, Aesthetica, Theoria series in the Academia publishing house
The Emerging Contours of the Medium. Literature and Mediality (2022–2024) – member of research team
The Doppelganger (exhibition, Prague City Gallery, 2025) – member of research team