Department of Art-Historical Topography
phone: +420 532 290 264
Researcher and Head of the Department of Art-Historical Topography, Detached workplace Brno, Vice-Chair of Institute Board.
Kateřina Dolejší studied art history at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno (Ph.D. 2014) and history and Latin philology at the same university (Mgr. 2002). Since 2003, she has been a researcher at the IAH CAS, focusing on art topography, emblem studies, alba amicorum, old prints and Latin sources for research in art history. She contributes to and co-edits the series Umělecké památky Moravy a Slezska. She is an associate expert in a project funded by The Czech Science Foundation (24-13165S) Beyond the Horizon Visualization and Interpretation of Networks in Early Modern Europe. Since 2017 she has been teaching Latin for art historical purposes and reading and interpreting Latin written sources at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno.
Kateřina Dolejší, "Paited Poems": Form and Function of Emblems in School Ceremonies and Festivities prepared by Jesuits in Olomouc (1597-1742). in: Rosa de Marco and Agnés Guiderdoni (eds.), Eliciting Wonder: The Emblem on the Stage, Glasgow Emblem Studies No 19, Droz, Geneva 2022, p. 27-52.
Kateřina Dolejší - Ondřej Haničák (eds.), Modestia est signum sapientiae: studie nejen o středověkém umění k poctě Dalibora Prixe, Artefactum, Praha, 2021
Bohumil Samek - Kateřina Dolejší (eds.), Umělecké památky Moravy a Slezska, 3. díl O/P (2. svazky), Academia, Praha 2021
Kateřina Dolejší, Deklamace Dramaticus Emblematismus, aneb jedna nevydařená slavnost olomouckých jezuitů z roku 1694, in: Zuzana Macurová – Tomáš Valeš (eds.), Od objevu k interpretaci: Znalectví, sběratelství a ikonografie umění raného novověku, Brno 2020, pp. 179–196.
Kateřina Dolejší, The Pearl of the Orient: Xaverian Emblems in a Jesuit Book of 1663 from Olomouc, in: Mara R. Wade (ed.), Emblematica. Essays in Word and Image, Vol. 2, Droz, Geneva 2018, pp. 247–296.
Kateřina Dolejší (reviev), Peter M. Daly and G. Richard Dimler, S. J. The Jesuit Emblem in the European Context. in: Mara R. Wade (ed.), Emblematica. Essays in Word and Image, Vol. 2, Droz, Geneva 2018, pp. 367–371.
Kateřina Dolejší, Dvojí Triumf. Slavobrána olomouckých jezuitů, Opuscula historiae artium 65, No. 1, 2016, pp. 34–55.
Kateřina Dolejší – Leoš Mlčák – Jakub Potůček, Průvodce Olomoucí. Umělecké památky města, Olomouc 2016, 2nd edition.
Umělecké památky Moravy a Slezska 4. R/Ž – co-author of art historical topography
Beyond the Horizon Visualization and Interpretation of Networks in Early Modern Europe Project GACR 2024–26 | Beyond the Horizon(GA ČR 24-13165S) – co-author and member of the research