Department of Medieval Art - Emerita
phone: +420 221 183 513
Emerita Researcher at the Department of Medieval Art until December 2022.
Klára Benešovská focuses on architecture and architectural sculpture in the 11th - 16th century and its cultural and historical context. Her areas of interest also include art historical historiography.
Between 1968 and 1973, Benešovská studied art history and classical archaeology at the Faculty of Arts, University of J. E. Purkyně Brno and the Faculty of Arts, Charles University (PhDr. 1975). Between 1983 and 1987, she was a scholarly candidate at the Institute of Theory and History of Art, CAS (1990 Csc.). Since 1989, she has been working at the Institute of Art History CAS: 1990–2001 as a researcher, 1997–2001 as the secretary for research and 1997–2012 as a member of IAS's scholarly council. 2004–2019 she was the head of the Department of Medieval Art. She was the principal investigator of the project Imago, Imagines (GAČR 2013-2017) and since 2019 she collaborates on grants Image/s in Přemyslid era: Contexts and Forms (GAČR) and Reflecting Jerusalem in Medieval Czech Lands (GAČR). She was the author of the exhibition A Royal Marriage. Elisabeth Premyslid and John of Luxembourg – 1310 (Prague 2010–2011, Gloria musealis award for international contribution) and collaborated on the following exhibitions: Ten Ceturies of Architecture (Prague Castle 2001 – Romanesqe and Gothic Architecture), permanent exhibition The Story of Prague Castle (Prague Castle, Old Palace since 2004), The Slavonic Monastery of Charles IV. Devotion, Art, Literary Culture (Emmauz Monastery in Prague 2016). Benešovská headed the project Bohemian State in the Time of Wenceslas IV. The Evidence of Art: exhibition at the Gallery of Science and Art, CAS 2019 (Strategy AV 21 Europe and the State: Between Barbarism and Civilisation). She is the head of the international project Royal Nunneries at the Center of Medieval Europe. Networks, Gender, Acculturation.
Kateřina Kubínová – Klára Benešovská (edd.), Imago, imagines. Výtvarné dílo a proměny jeho funkcí v českých zemích od 10. do první třetiny 16. století, [I. Díl: Náboženská funkce obrazu; II. Díl: Reprezentativní a memoriální funkce obrazu], Academia, Praha 2019
Klára Benešovská – Helena Dáňová – David Vrána (eds.), Ivo Kořán.Texty, Artefactum, Praha 2019
Klára Benešovská –Jan Chlíbec (edd.), Více Krásy, Artefactum, Praha 2019
Klára Benešovská, Art and Architecture in the Period 800-1500 (with Kateřina Kubínová) and texts in: Taťána Petrasová – Rostislav Švácha (edd.), Art in the Czech Lands 800–2000, Arbor vitae societas – Artefactum, Řevnice – Praha: 2017, pp. 39-74; pp. 84-85, 86-87, 88-90, 91-93, 102-103, 110-111, 112-113, 132-133, 134-135, 136-137, 138-140, 141-142, 143-145, 152-154, 158-161, 180-181, 182-185, 188-190, 191-192, 198-199, 202-203, 204-205, 209-211, 214-216, 222-224, 238-241, 248-251, 252-253, 254-255, 268-271, 286-289, 290-291, 292-293, 294-295, 300-303, 309-311, 312-314, 318-319, 320-321, 322-323.
Klára Benešovská, Disparition, réouverture et clôture du chantier cathédral de Prague (1419-1933), in Le chantier cathédral en Europe – Diffusion et sauvegarde des savoirs, savoir-faire et matériaux. Sous la direction de Isabelle Chave, Étienne Faisant et Dany Sandron, Le Passage Paris–New York Editions 2020, pp. 128–139
Klára Benešovská, Josef Cibulka a Svatovítská rotunda, in: Michal Sklenář – Kristina Uhlíková – Vít Vlnas (eds.), Josef Cibulka, kněz, pedagog a historik umění ve 20. století. Praha 2020, pp. 133–150
Klára Benešovská, Kauza Václav Mencl: někdo musí z kola ven. Příspěvek k výuce dějin umění v letech 1938-1952, Umění / Art LXVI 2018, pp. 194-203, 241.
Klára Benešovská, Ce qu’il advint de l’architecture gothique à la cour de Charles IV et de Venceslas IV, in: Arnaud Timbert (ed.), Qu’est-ce que l’architecturegothique? Essais, préface Ch. Freigang, postface Br. Phalip, Villeneuve-d’Ascq, Presses univ. Septentrion, coll. « Architecture &Urbanisme », 2018, pp. 181-195.
Klára Benešovská, The Epilogue of the “Orient oder Rom” debate in the 1970s? The Forgotten Work of Václav Mencl, in: Ivan Foletti-Francesco Lovino (edd.), Orient oder Rom. History and Reception of a Historiographical myth (1901–1970), Viella Roma 2018, pp. 147-162
Klára Benešovská, Charles IV 1978–2016. Reviewing the Ideological Background of the Exhibitions and Conferences in 1978. Convivium 2017, IV, 1 [Medieval Art History in Prison], pp. 159-173.
Klára Benešovská, De la circulation des „locissanctis“– le Mons Sion à Prague, Convivium 2014, I, 1, pp. 51–62.
Klára Benešovská, Dʼartistesexogènesen artistes établis: lʼexemple des Parleren Bohême (1356–1420), in: Jacques Dubois – Jean-Marie Guillouët – Benoit Van den Bossche (eds.), Les Transferts artistiques dans lʼEurope gothique. Repenser la circulation des artistes, des oeuvres, des thèmeset des savoir-faire (XIIe–XVIe siècle). Paris, A. a J. Picard 2014, pp. 189–207.
Klára Benešovská (ed.), A Royal Marriage. Elisabeth Premyslid and John of Luxembourg – 1310, Praha, Muzeum hlavního města Prahy 2011.
Image/s in Přemyslid era: Contexts and Forms (GAČR 19-21654S) –co-investigator
Reflecting Jerusalem in Medieval Czech Lands (GAČR, 19-12859S) – co-investigator
Royal Nunneries at the Center of Medieval Europe. Networks, Gender, Acculturation – Europe and the State: Between Barbarism and Civilisation (Strategy AV 21) – principal investigator, guarantor