International musicological conferences on 18th-century Italian opera in the countries of the Transalpine region are held annually in Český Krumlov as part of the local Festival of Baroque Arts. The topics of the conferences are linked to the contemporary premieres of Baroque operas, which are performed by the Hof-Musici ensemble conducted by harpsichordist Ondřej Macek in the Baroque Theatre of the Český Krumlov Castle. The proceedings of these conferences have been published in the book series L’opera italiana nei territori boemi durante il Settecento.
2015 Antonio Boroni e il suo dramma giocoso L’amore in musica
The proceedings can be ordered here
2016 Antonio Caldara nel contesto del suo tempo
The proceedings can be ordered here
2017 Didone come soggetto d’opera
The proceedings can be ordered here
2018 Tre opere su Don Giovanni per Praga: Caldara 1730 - Righini 1776 - Mozart 1787
The conference did not take place due to the illness of several speakers, but the proceedings have been compiled and can be ordered here.
2019 Il Demofoonte come soggetto per il dramma per musica: Johann Adolf Hasse ed altri compositori del Settecento
The proceedings can be ordered here
2020 L’opera italiana - tra l’originale e il pasticcio
The proceedings can be ordered here
2021 L’opera italiana come un evento festivo
The proceedings can be ordered here
2022 Le forme dell’opera italiana del 18° secolo nei diversi paesi della regione transalpina
The proceedings are in preparation
2023 Entità naturali e sovrannaturali nell’opera italiana
The proceedings are in preparation
2024 L’importanza dei copisti per la diffusione delle opere italiane nel Settecento
The proceedings are in preparation