Financed by: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic
Provider and number: National Restoration Fund – 0343000006 (2024)
Duration: from 2023
Recipient: Institute of Art History, CAS
Principal investigator: Markéta Svobodová, IAH CAS
Research team: Dalibor Prix, Klára Mezihoráková, Ludmila Hůrková, Michaela Janečková, Markéta Janotová, Kateřina Lopatová, Martin Halata, Marian Pliska
Photodocumentation of objects: Vlado Bohdan, Jitka Walterová, Petr Zinke, Anežka Pithartová, Nikola Tláskalová.
The project is implemented from 2023. The Department of Art-Historical Topography of the Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences, which is the guarantor of the project Art Monuments / Architectural Manual / Prague (AM/AM/PRAGUE), has long been engaged in inventory activities focused on architecture and other artistic monuments and publishes a series of book encyclopaedias Art Monuments. Within these activities, the aim of the project is to create an architectural manual as an open, publicly accessible web source of professionally processed information on architecture, which would publicize many years of professional research and at the same time become a professional but also popularizing tool for learning about the architectural heritage of the whole country, at this stage especially Prague. The information is revised, supplemented and updated, newly documented with photographs, short entries are translated into English. Compared to the original book editions of Art Monuments of Prague, the focus is more on contemporary architecture, urban planning and urban furniture. We are cooperating with the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen on the implementation of didactic materials. In the years 2023-2024, the city districts of Prague 3, Prague 7 and Prague 10 were processed.